> Columbia, SC Metro Area
Population by Age in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Total population | 767,598 | 100.00% |
Under 5 years | 49,756 | 6.48% |
5 to 9 years | 49,383 | 6.43% |
10 to 14 years | 49,677 | 6.47% |
15 to 19 years | 59,035 | 7.69% |
20 to 24 years | 63,778 | 8.31% |
25 to 29 years | 55,727 | 7.26% |
30 to 34 years | 50,061 | 6.52% |
35 to 39 years | 50,696 | 6.60% |
40 to 44 years | 50,918 | 6.63% |
45 to 49 years | 55,483 | 7.23% |
50 to 54 years | 54,540 | 7.11% |
55 to 59 years | 48,734 | 6.35% |
60 to 64 years | 42,131 | 5.49% |
65 to 69 years | 29,997 | 3.91% |
70 to 74 years | 20,419 | 2.66% |
75 to 79 years | 15,648 | 2.04% |
80 to 84 years | 11,232 | 1.46% |
85 years and over | 10,383 | 1.35% |
Male Population in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Male population | 374,340 | 48.77% |
Under 5 years | 25,265 | 3.29% |
5 to 9 years | 25,202 | 3.28% |
10 to 14 years | 25,388 | 3.31% |
15 to 19 years | 30,614 | 3.99% |
20 to 24 years | 32,808 | 4.27% |
25 to 29 years | 27,840 | 3.63% |
30 to 34 years | 24,795 | 3.23% |
35 to 39 years | 24,686 | 3.22% |
40 to 44 years | 24,771 | 3.23% |
45 to 49 years | 26,490 | 3.45% |
50 to 54 years | 26,141 | 3.41% |
55 to 59 years | 22,890 | 2.98% |
60 to 64 years | 20,117 | 2.62% |
65 to 69 years | 14,091 | 1.84% |
70 to 74 years | 9,183 | 1.20% |
75 to 79 years | 6,599 | 0.86% |
80 to 84 years | 4,320 | 0.56% |
85 years and over | 3,140 | 0.41% |
Female Population in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Female population | 393,258 | 51.23% |
Under 5 years | 24,491 | 3.19% |
5 to 9 years | 24,181 | 3.15% |
10 to 14 years | 24,289 | 3.16% |
15 to 19 years | 28,421 | 3.70% |
20 to 24 years | 30,970 | 4.03% |
25 to 29 years | 27,887 | 3.63% |
30 to 34 years | 25,266 | 3.29% |
35 to 39 years | 26,010 | 3.39% |
40 to 44 years | 26,147 | 3.41% |
45 to 49 years | 28,993 | 3.78% |
50 to 54 years | 28,399 | 3.70% |
55 to 59 years | 25,844 | 3.37% |
60 to 64 years | 22,014 | 2.87% |
65 to 69 years | 15,906 | 2.07% |
70 to 74 years | 11,236 | 1.46% |
75 to 79 years | 9,049 | 1.18% |
80 to 84 years | 6,912 | 0.90% |
85 years and over | 7,243 | 0.94% |
Median Age in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Both | 35.70% | |
Male | 34.00% | |
Female | 37.20% |
Race in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Total | 767,598 | 100.00% |
Population of one race | 752,601 | 98.05% |
White | 463,516 | 60.39% |
Black or African American | 255,104 | 33.23% |
American Indian and Alaska Native | 2,746 | 0.36% |
Asian | 12,704 | 1.66% |
Asian Indian | 4,103 | 0.53% |
Chinese | 2,365 | 0.31% |
Filipino | 1,326 | 0.17% |
Japanese | 487 | 0.06% |
Korean | 1,754 | 0.23% |
Vietnamese | 1,009 | 0.13% |
Other Asian | 1,660 | 0.22% |
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander | 658 | 0.09% |
Native Hawaiian | 142 | 0.02% |
Guamanian or Chamorro | 274 | 0.04% |
Samoan | 67 | 0.01% |
Other Pacific Islander | 175 | 0.02% |
Some Other Race | 17,873 | 2.33% |
Population of Two or More Races | 14,997 | 1.95% |
White; American Indian and Alaska Native | 2,147 | 0.28% |
White; Asian | 1,984 | 0.26% |
White; Black or African American | 4,866 | 0.63% |
White; Some Other Race | 1,506 | 0.20% |
The Population 16 Years in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Total | 608,780 | 100.00% |
Male | 293,408 | 48.20% |
Female | 315,372 | 51.80% |
The Population 18 Years in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Total | 587,437 | 100.00% |
Male | 282,401 | 48.07% |
Female | 305,036 | 51.93% |
The Population 21 Years in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Total | 545,103 | 100.00% |
Male | 260,291 | 47.75% |
Female | 284,812 | 52.25% |
The Population 62 Years in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Total | 111,822 | 100.00% |
Male | 48,904 | 43.73% |
Female | 62,918 | 56.27% |
The Population 65 Years in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Total | 87,679 | 100.00% |
Male | 37,333 | 42.58% |
Female | 50,346 | 57.42% |
Race (total races tallied) in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
White alone or in combination with one or more other races | 475,312 | 60.63% |
Black or African American alone or in combination with one or more other races | 263,471 | 33.61% |
American Indian and Alaska Native alone or in combination with one or more other races | 6,878 | 0.88% |
Asian alone or in combination with one or more other races | 16,223 | 2.07% |
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone or in combination with one or more other races | 1,325 | 0.17% |
Some Other Race alone or in combination with one or more other races | 20,781 | 2.65% |
Hispanic or Latino by Specific Origin in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Total | 767,598 | 100.00% |
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) | 39,153 | 5.10% |
Mexican | 20,966 | 2.73% |
Puerto Rican | 6,802 | 0.89% |
Cuban | 1,142 | 0.15% |
Other Hispanic or Latino | 10,243 | 1.33% |
Not Hispanic or Latino | 728,445 | 94.90% |
Hispanic or Latino and Race in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Total | 767,598 | 100.00% |
Hispanic or Latino | 39,153 | 5.10% |
White alone | 15,589 | 2.03% |
Black or African American alone | 2,775 | 0.36% |
American Indian and Alaska Native alone | 487 | 0.06% |
Asian alone | 161 | 0.02% |
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone | 135 | 0.02% |
Some Other Race alone | 16,878 | 2.20% |
Two or More Races | 3,128 | 0.41% |
Not Hispanic or Latino | 728,445 | 94.90% |
White alone | 447,927 | 58.35% |
Black or African American alone | 252,329 | 32.87% |
American Indian and Alaska Native alone | 2,259 | 0.29% |
Asian alone | 12,543 | 1.63% |
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone | 523 | 0.07% |
Some Other Race alone | 995 | 0.13% |
Two or More Races | 11,869 | 1.55% |
Relationship in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Total | 767,598 | 100.00% |
In households | 731,961 | 95.36% |
Householder | 294,881 | 38.42% |
Spouse | 133,457 | 17.39% |
Child | 211,078 | 27.50% |
Own child under 18 years | 155,419 | 20.25% |
Other relatives | 48,322 | 6.30% |
Under 18 years | 20,967 | 2.73% |
65 years and over | 5,325 | 0.69% |
Nonrelatives | 44,223 | 5.76% |
Under 18 years | 2,669 | 0.35% |
65 years and over | 1,357 | 0.18% |
Unmarried partner | 17,585 | 2.29% |
In group quarters | 35,637 | 4.64% |
Institutionalized population | 12,420 | 1.62% |
Male | 8,748 | 1.14% |
Female | 3,672 | 0.48% |
Noninstitutionalized population | 23,217 | 3.02% |
Male | 14,345 | 1.87% |
Female | 8,872 | 1.16% |
Households by Type in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Subject | Number | Percent |
Total | 294,881 | 100.00% |
Family households (families) | 193,598 | 65.65% |
With own children under 18 years | 86,764 | 29.42% |
Husband-wife family | 133,457 | 45.26% |
With own children under 18 years | 54,110 | 18.35% |
Male householder, no wife present | 13,429 | 4.55% |
With own children under 18 years | 6,378 | 2.16% |
Female householder, no husband present | 46,712 | 15.84% |
With own children under 18 years | 26,276 | 8.91% |
Nonfamily households | 101,283 | 34.35% |
Householder living alone | 81,183 | 27.53% |
Male | 35,674 | 12.10% |
65 years and over | 6,739 | 2.29% |
Female | 45,509 | 15.43% |
65 years and over | 17,155 | 5.82% |
Households with individuals under 18 years in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Total | 98,854 | 33.52% |
Households with individuals under 65 years in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Total | 64,246 | 21.79% |
Average Household Size in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Average household size | 2 | % |
Average Family Size in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Average family size | 3 | % |
Housing Occupancy(Total housing units) in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Total | 331,470 | 100.00% |
Occupied housing units | 294,881 | 88.96% |
Vacant housing units | 36,589 | 11.04% |
For rent | 12,549 | 3.79% |
Rented, not occupied | 478 | 0.14% |
For sale only | 5,529 | 1.67% |
Sold, not occupied | 1,080 | 0.33% |
For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use | 6,025 | 1.82% |
All other vacants | 10,928 | 3.30% |
Homeowner Vacancy Rate in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Homeowner vacancy rate (percent) | 2.70% |
Rental Vacancy Rate in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Rental vacancy rate (percent) | 11.70% |
Housing Tenure(Occupied housing units) in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Total | 294,881 | 100.00% |
Owner-occupied housing units | 200,980 | 68.16% |
Renter-occupied housing units | 93,901 | 31.84% |
Population in Occupied Housing Units by Tenure(Population in occupied housing units) in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Owner-occupied housing units | 504,798 | 68.97% |
Renter-occupied housing units | 227,163 | 31.03% |
Average Household Size of Occupied Housing Units by Tenure in Columbia, SC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
Owner occupied | 3 | % |
Renter occupied | 2 | % |