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Windowell Expressions Products and Services

Window Well Styles Available

Aspen Creek has a tan mortar background with a combination of rocks colored red, dark tan, light gray and browns. Really brightens up a room with all its colors. Aspen Creek has a tan mortar background with a combination of rocks colored red, dark tan, light gray and browns. Really brightens up a room with all its colors.
Aspen Creek has a tan mortar background with a combination of rocks colored red, dark tan, light gray and browns. Really brightens up a room with all its colors. This style has a combination of colors. It has red, brown and tan tones to it. This style has a very modern look to it and looks beautiful in homes that have tile floors. Cascade River has a light tan mortar background with a combination of rocks colored brown, light and dark tan. This has a nice very earthy feel. Gray Slate style has a combination of colors. It has light gray, dark gray and white. It is a very stylish and neutral style for any decor. Graystone Granite has a greenish grey mortar background and the rocks are black and white speckled just like real granite. This is a beautiful style that is very neutral and light. Italian Slate style has a combination of colors. It has light tan, dark tan and a hint of brown. This is a nice light color and is very understated in a window well. This blends with any style and/or decor.

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