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Yolanda's House Cleaning Services in West Covina, California

Yolanda's House Cleaning Services's Website

(626) 413-0219

West Covina, CA 91791

Map & Directions

Company Description:

We at Yolanda's House Cleaning Services provide professional and affordable deep cleaning services in West Covina, CA! Do not hesitate to call us now!

We serve in West Covina, CA, Commerce, CA; Valinda, CA; La Puente, CA; Vincent, CA; Walnut, CA and the surrounding areas.

Professional Cleaner, Commercial Cleaner, Cleaning Specialist, Cleaning Contractor, Affordable Cleaning Service
Office Cleaning, House Cleaning, Home Cleaning, Residential Cleaning, Commercial Cleaning, Warehouse Cleaning, Airbnb Cleaning, Professional Warehouse Cleaning, Reliable Deep Cleaning, Affordable Commercial Cleaning, Dependable House Cleaning, Dependable Warehouse Cleaning Service, Affordable Deep Cleaning Services, Reliable House Cleaning

We also accept the following payment methods: Checks.

Services Offered:

Professional Cleaner Commercial Cleaner Cleaning Specialist
Cleaning Contractor Affordable Cleaning Service

Business Information:

In Business Since:2005

Hours of Operation:

Monday: AM 8:00 to PM 8:00
Tuesday: AM 8:00 to PM 8:00
Wednesday: AM 8:00 to PM 8:00
Thursday: AM 8:00 to PM 8:00
Friday: AM 8:00 to PM 8:00
Saturday: AM 8:00 to PM 8:00
Sunday: AM 8:00 to PM 8:00

Payment Methods:
