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Photo Album - Whimsy B. Paperie

Whimsy B. Paperie Product

Welcome to Whimsy B. Paperie! A haven for pretty paper. I'm Jessica, the owner and creative director behind these custom designs and artwork. I reside in the suburbs of Manhattan, New York, on Long Island with my husband, my 2 year old son and my little white fur baby. We live in an historical town that both my husband and I actually grew up together in - which of course we didn't appreciate when we were young but are seeing the beauty in it now.

Whimsy B. Paperie Whimsy B. Paperie
Whimsy B. Paperie Whimsy B. Paperie Whimsy B. Paperie Whimsy B. Paperie Whimsy B. Paperie Whimsy B. Paperie

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