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Photo Album - Vosaic


Our passion for video analysis means that we are fully invested in all the fields our users work in. We understand your unique needs and that helps drive product utilization, ensuring that you're maximizing the features of the Vosaic products to produce your best results. Agile and customizable, Vosaic can be applied to almost every need or industry. The fields of healthcare, education, and research in particular have found Vosaic to be an invaluable tool that encourages new insights and drives growth and performance.

Record video footage directly in Vosaic. Regardless of format or device, it's simple to transfer your projects to Vosaic.

Vosaic's fully customizable coding template is an open canvas for you to create codes, tags, and transcripts to meet your project's unique goals.

Built-in analysis tools allow you to search timelines, explore databases, and pinpoint key action items to discover insights and drive results.

Share assets across your campus, organization, community - or even across the globe. You also have the option to upload your videos securely to the cloud, making collaboration a snap.

Vosaic Vosaic
Vosaic Vosaic Vosaic Vosaic

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