(402) 493-2020
11606 Nicholas Street Suite 100
Omaha, NE 68154
The Omaha Eye & Laser Institute was created in 1985, and is a leading regional eye care facility that specializes in refractive (laser) surgery, cataract surgery, glaucoma treatments, and the treatment of various eye diseases and eye disorders.
Business Sector: | Residential, Commercial |
Omaha Eye Laser Institute | 2012 - October | Obagi Skin Care | Retinal Disorders | 2012 - July | Custom Lasik | Laser Eye Surgery | PATIENT PRIVACY | CoolTouch Laser | Cosmetics | Multifocal IOLs | Doctors Who Have Had LASIK | Diabetic Retinopathy | Cosmetic eyelid surgery | iLASIK and CustomVue Video | Mega Peel | Xerophthalmia | Presbyopia | Patient Testimonials | 2012 - June