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Photo Album - The Blue Olive Shop - Oil Essentials

The Blue Olive Shop - Oil Essentials

The Blue Olive is a family-owned olive oil and vinegar tasting room located in the villages of Pawling and Cold Spring, New York. We aim to bring to the Hudson Valley an array of the purest vinegars and extra virgin olive oils from around the world.

In Europe, where a great deal of our Northern Hemisphere extra virgin varietals are grown and crushed, extra virgin olive oil is a culinary staple. It completes almost every traditional Italian, Greek and Spanish dish and elates the palettes of those enjoying the bold and flavorful meals created with this healthful Mediterranean necessity. As well, our Southern Hemisphere olive oil varietals display amazing quality, and are certainly on par with their Northern counterparts.

The Blue Olive Shop - Oil Essentials The Blue Olive Shop - Oil Essentials