Offering state of the art Lasik technology in their Cincinnati, Ohio and Florence, Kentucky Surgical Centers, the Surgeons of the Midwest Eye Center are recognized as one of the most experienced teams of vision correction specialists in the country.
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Schneider David M Md-Ophthalmology | Adv. Laser Surface Ablation | Blepharoplasty | Midwest Eye Center -... | Custom LASIK | Philip G. Kies, O.D. | Age group: 60 to 80 years old | Refractive Lens Exchange | Age group: 20 to 40 years old | Diabetic Retinopathy | ReZoom | Punctal Occlusion | Glenn H. Hughes, O.D. | Dry Eye | Macular Degeneration | Corneal Transplant Surgery | Receive a brochure | Premium Lenses | LASIK | Meet Our Doctors