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Salazar Scoops in Ogden, Utah

Salazar Scoops's Website

(801) 200-3668

Service Area
Ogden, UT 84405

Map & Directions

Company Description:

Salazar Scoops is a professional Pet Waste Removal Business. Servicing Davis, Weber and parts of Salt Lake County, we scoop dog waste from the yards of dog owners and commercial businesses! We're the #1 Utah Pooper Scooper service, and we offer one-time and recurring weekly, monthly and other types of scoops that works for you. We scoop your poop and leave you with a CLEANER YARD that is safe and mess-free for your family, children and pets to enjoy and play in.

Services Offered:

Pooper Scooper Services Pet Waste Removal Services
Commercial Pet Waste Removal

Business Information:

In Business Since:2020

Hours of Operation:

Monday: AM 8:00 to PM 8:00
Tuesday: AM 8:00 to PM 8:00
Wednesday: AM 8:00 to PM 8:00
Thursday: AM 8:00 to PM 8:00
Friday: AM 8:00 to PM 8:00
Saturday: AM 8:00 to PM 7:00
Sunday: AM 8:00 to PM 7:00

Payment Methods:

ATM, MasterCard, Visa, American Express

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