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PARR CONSULTING, INC. in Long Grove, Illinois


(847) 913-5513

Long Grove, IL 60047-9712

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Company Description:

parr consulting, inc. is a chicago area consulting firm specializing in iso 9000 and ts16949 consulting, internal auditing, supplier audits, and training.

Services Offered:

Iso 9000 Ts16949 Consulting
Internal Auditing Supplier Audits Training

Web Results:

ISO 9000, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, & TS16949 consulting and auditing...
"Live quality - and drive cost and speed for competitive advantage" - Jack Welch and The GE Way Parr Consulting, Inc. is a Chicago area consulting firm specializing in ISO 9000, TS16949, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 consulting, internal auditing, supplier auditing, and training. With over 30 years of ...
Free yourself from internal...
Free Yourself from Internal Audits Have your internal audits performed by an experienced, certified audit professional. Registrar's auditors are rarely thorough enough and often don't ask management the tough questions. A professional internal auditor will ensure that these questions are answered an...
Free yourself from supplier...
Free Yourself From Supplier Audits Have your supplier audits performed by an experienced, certified audit professional Registrar's auditors are rarely thorough enough and often don't ask supplier management the tough questions. A professional supplier auditor will ensure that these questions are ans...
Parr Consulting, Inc., Client List
Wendy Parr has audited, consulted, and/or performed training services for many organizations of various sizes, in many different industries. Feedback from our clients include: "Thank you so much for your professionalism and energy. I sincerely think you are one of the finest trainers we have to work...
ISO 9000, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, & TS16949 consulting and auditing...
"Live quality - and drive cost and speed for competitive advantage" - Jack Welch and The GE Way Parr Consulting, Inc. is a Chicago area consulting firm specializing in ISO 9000, TS16949, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 consulting, internal auditing, supplier auditing, and training. With over 30 years of ...

Business Information:

In Business Since:1994
Ownership:Women Owned
Business Sector:Residential, Commercial
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