At Oyster Bay Funeral Home, we believe that every community deserves quality local funeral services. Serving the communities of Oyster Bay, Glen Cove, Syosset, Huntington and all of Suffolk and Nassau Counties, we are committed to serving you in your time of need. The loss of a loved one can be overwhelming. We understand the importance of planning a proper goodbye - with our genuine care and extensive expertise, we strive to honor your loved one in a dignified manner.At Oyster Bay Funeral Home, we believe that every community deserves quality local funeral services. Serving the communities of Oyster Bay, Glen Cove, Syosset, Huntington and all of Suffolk and Nassau Counties, we are committed to serving you in your time of need. The loss of a loved one can be overwhelming. We understand the importance of planning a proper goodbye - with our genuine care and extensive expertise, we strive to honor your loved one in a dignified manner.
In Business Since: | 2000 |
Oyster Bay Funeral Home Funeral Director | Subscribe Receive an... | Phone, address and email... | Consumer Protection | Cremation | View candles (0) Read... | Caterers | View candles (7) Read... | Print | Churches | Carol Schiraldi | David Carl | Online contact form | Monuments | Maria Minna | Martha Fiederlein | View New to Old | Cemeteries | Obituaries | Thomas Nylund