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Npi Numbers Lookup in Bryan, Ohio

Npi Numbers Lookup's Website

(419) 630-1870

3760 Still Street Bryan, OH
Bryan, OH 43506

Map & Directions

Company Description:

The National Provider Identifier (NPI) Registry Search is a free database of all current NPI entries. NPI applications are submitted by individuals or organizations using the CMS National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). You may perform an NPI Number lookup search by providing your first and last names, as well as your state, and get the results. The nation's NPI database contains current data from the most recent National Provider Identifier (NPI) records.

Services Offered:

Npi Registry Number
Npi Numberlookup

Business Information:

In Business Since:1991
Business Sector:Residential

Hours of Operation:

24 hours a day

Payment Methods:

Cash, Visa, American Express

Language Spoken:
