(503) 361-7973
2649 Commercial Street Southeast
Salem, OR 97302
LifeSource Natural Foods in Salem Oregon provides an abundant selection of organic and natural foods and nutritional supplements. We promote healthy living and environmental consciousness.
Business Sector: | Residential, Commercial |
Lifesource Natural Foods | POSTPONED Self Care for... | Aug 8 Thu | 6:30 pm SouthWestAssociation... | Sum Faht Meditation Class... | Iced Tea Delights | Grocery & Household | Tasting!! Fermented Raw... | Special Events | Smart Eating | Natural Birth and Breastfeeding,... | Exercise | WillaMutt Strutt | Natural Birth and Breastfeeding... | Tasting!! Coconut Bliss! | RxAnswers | Subscribe to filtered calendar | Beer & Wine | LifeSource Natural Foods | Product Standards