Kate Sullivan Elementary in Tallahassee, Florida
Company Description:
Kate Sullivan Elementary School
Services Offered:
Elementary School
K-5 School
Elementary And Secondary Schools
Web Results:
- Kate Sullivan Elementary School, Tallahassee, FL
- The Crocodilian - Sullivan Newsletter Join/Leave Our Listserv History & Namesake Faculty & Staff E-Mail Directory After School 2014-2015 Supply List 2014-2015 Kate Sullivan Resource Guid e Partners for Excellence Parent Teacher Association SAC - Advisory Group SITE - Decision Making School A...
- Parent Teacher Association
- Kate Sullivan Elementary P arent T eacher A ssociation PTA Board for 2014-2015 President : Mia L. McKown 850-566-2608 email Vice President/President Elect : Amy Hartman 850-222-1062 email 2nd Vice President/Volunteer Coordinator : Kitty Draa 850-212-7720 email Secretary : Susan Elliott 850-264-2772 ...
- E-Mail Directory
- E-Mail Directory for Kate Sullivan Elementary School Ashley Allbritton - allbrittona2@leonschools.net Tina Allen - allent@leonschools.net Nicole Anderson - mazzan@leonschools.net Julie Arasi - arasij@leonschools.net Sherell Ash - ashs2@leonschools.net Emily Avery - averye@leonschools.net Wendy Bevan...
- SITE Flow Chart
- The SITE Process Flow Chart Item of INTEREST and/or CONCERN is placed on agenda form. AGENDA COMMITTEE meets and reviews submitted items: To qualify as a SITE ISSUE item, the issue must meet the following criteria: School wide policy; School wide procedure; School wide goal and evaluation. If ...
- Faculty Staff
2014-2015 Kate Sullivan Elementary Faculty and Staff Pamela Stephens, Principal Sylvia Myers, Assistant Principal Pre-Kindergarten, Tina Davis Kindergarten Ashley Allbritton Nicole Anderson Rebecca Lata Donna Mann Barbara McHaffie Kelly McHaffie Dottie Schaffner Gale Whitehead Third Grade - website ...
Business Information:
Business Sector: | Residential, Commercial |