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Photo Album - Household CEO

Household CEO La'Shieka White

My name is La'Shieka, better known as The Household CEO and I'm a mom coach who specializes in rediscovery for stay-at-home moms.

As moms, we often have a tendency to put others first, and when we do, we neglect the relationship we have with ourselves.

I'm here today to let you know that you deserve to put you first. The days of filling everyone's gas tank to full while you're riding on fumes are over!

According to the dictionary rediscovery is the action or process of discovering again something that was forgotten or ignored.

My mission is to help moms be the best version of themselves and that starts with rediscovery! After all if mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!

Household CEO La'Shieka White Household CEO La'Shieka White