Grimaud Farms Of California in Stockton, California
Services Offered:
Durable Goods
Not Elsewhere Classified
Web Results:
- Groupe Grimaud
- Groupe GrimaudLa Corbi re - 49450 Roussay - FRANCET l. +33 (0)2 41 70 36 90Fax +33 (0)2 41 70 31 67 View Larger Map ...
- Groupe Grimaud
For 10 years, Groupe Grimaud has been committed to the field of health. Vivalis, Groupe Grimaud's first biotechnical investment, now listed on Euronext (VLS) uses its ultra-modern GMP facilities to develop unique solutions to fight against viral illnesses, based on its EB66 cell line from duck embr...
- Groupe Grimaud
- Groupe Grimaud has an internal biological control laboratory accredited to COFRAC standards which carries out more than 60,000 analyses per year, as well as ultra-modern laboratories implementing GMP standards, allowing the development of both human and veterinary vaccines. Groupe Grimaud, whose fir...
- Groupe Grimaud
- Groupe GrimaudLa Corbi re - 49450 Roussay - FRANCET l. +33 (0)2 41 70 36 90Fax +33 (0)2 41 70 31 67 Agrandir le plan ...
- Groupe Grimaud
Depuis sa cr ation le d veloppement du Groupe Grimaud s appuie sur des valeurs essentielles au service de son projet. Au triptyque fondateur les Hommes, les investissements, la recherche se sont ajout s des piliers compl mentaires tayant une base solide : l international, la qualit et l am lio...
Business Information:
Business Sector: | Residential, Commercial |