(410) 821-9620
4 Wandsworth Bridge Way
Lutherville Timonium, MD 21093
WebClinician provides online continuing medical education for physical therapy, acupuncture and other clinical disciplines. Home of Hypodermic Therapy and AcuInjection training.
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Greenbird Designs | Create an account | Hypodermic Therapy Overview | Online Courses Must be... | Skip to Menu | Hypodermic Therapy: Theory | Pharmacology of Injectables II | Troy E. Sammons, M.Ac.O.M.,... | Print | How Our Site Works | Hypodermic Therapy: Risk... | Patrick D. Jordan, M.Ed.,... | Instructors Staff | Forgot your password? | Hypodermic Therapy: Fundamentals... | Douglas J. Massingill,... | Forgot your username? | Login/Logout Returning members | MedicoKentesis Courses | Contracture Management...