(212) 974-8377
1841 Broadway # 809
New York, NY 10023
Explore Gotham Writers, a creative home in NYC and online where writers develop their craft and come together in the spirit of discovery and fellowship.
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Gotham Writer's Workshop Inc | The Writer's Mind | 09-2012:Jessica Rotondi | More Gifts | 05-2008:David Yoo | Character | 01-2014:Kuros Charney | 09-2008:Scott LaCounte | Private Instruction | 01-2006:Laurie Sandell | Romance Writing | The Editor's Eye | Dialogue Writing | Write-In | 07-2009:Andrew Zornoza | Writer's Bookshelf | 08-2006:Colin Channer | 520 8th Avenue, 3rd Floor | 05-2007:Matt de la Pena | 10-2013:Stacy Pershall