(937) 376-5691
1641 Burnett Drive, P.O. Box 486
Xenia, OH 45385
Frontier Technology Corporation (FTC) is the world leader in californium-252 neutron source manufacturing and design and are foremost experts in logistics and shipping of radioactive material. Frontier Technology has over 30 years industry experience in providing the highest quality neutron sources, PINS sources, nuclear start-up rods, TYPE A shipping containers, WEP shielding and antimony-beryllium pellets.
In Business Since: | 1990 |
Monday: | AM 9:00 to PM 5:00 |
Tuesday: | AM 9:00 to PM 5:00 |
Wednesday: | AM 9:00 to PM 5:00 |
Thursday: | AM 9:00 to PM 5:00 |
Friday: | AM 9:00 to PM 5:00 |
Saturday: | AM 9:00 to PM 5:00 |
Sunday: | AM 9:00 to PM 5:00 |
None | Custom and Semi-Custom... | Product Ordering | Californium - 252Neutron...