The Digital Media Association (DiMA) is a national trade organization devoted primarily to the online audio and video industries, and more generally to commercially innovative digital media opportunities. We are at the forefront of business and policy debates affecting the growth and development of these enterprises, and are recognized by public and private sector leaders as the national association that best understands the complex policies and issues surrounding digital media, including copyright, competition and consumer rights.
Business Sector: | Residential, Commercial |
Exotic Car Rental of Atlanta | Civil Action No. 41-1395,... | WIPO Broadcast Treaty... | INDUSTRY INSIDER | 10_15_09 Rpt of Senate... | HR_2344 | PI_Denial_Order | Bob Kimball, RealNetworks,... | Orphan Works Act of 2008... | Marian Leighton-Levy,... | COMMITTEES | SX-CPB_News_Release_Jan-15-09 | Modernize the composition/musical... | Section 115 Reform Act of 2006 | ACTA Summary | Section 115: In Need... | Copyright Modernization... | A New Way for Musicians... | Digital Music Licensing... | MGR_AMDT_to_HR_848_(MAY_09)