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Photo Album - CurPoint Orthopedic

CurPoint Orthopedic

For a Seattle-based orthopedic specialist your first and last call should be CurPoint. CurPoint is an orthopedic practice headed by Dr. Patrick Bays that delivers innovative technologies in the rapidly emerging field of cell-based regenerative medicine. Fluent in the intricate anatomy and physiology of the human body we are orthopedic specialist surgeons. Having performed thousands of complex surgeries, we have literally been inside of the joints and body parts our patients are now asking us to treat with stem cells and other therapies. It is precisely because of our vast experience that we confidently assess all orthopedic specialist concerns and provide the ideal treatment best suited to each patient's specific needs.

CurPoint Orthopedic CurPoint Orthopedic
CurPoint Orthopedic CurPoint Orthopedic CurPoint Orthopedic CurPoint Orthopedic CurPoint Orthopedic CurPoint Orthopedic

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