Community Rescue Service is a Non-profit 911 Ambulance Organization that serves citizens of the Hagerstown, MD community and parts of Washington County by providing professional, timely and quality emergency medical services.
Business Sector: | Residential, Commercial |
Community Rescue Svc Inc | Meritus Medical Center... | CRS responds to a 4 alarm fire | 08 April 2013 | 20 March 2013 | 07 February 2013 | CRS responds to a 2 alram fire | 04 June 2012 | 07 May 2012 | 21 January 2012 | 21 June 2012 | 20 December 2011 | Whats New | 23 December 2011 | 01 November 2012 | Call Stats | 10 May 2012 | 03 November 2012 | 04 February 2013 | 03 December 2011