(319) 362-7375
2160 Linden Drive Southeast
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
You can't experience Brucemore by looking at a screen. Grab the family, take a tour of the mansion, pack a picnic, and attend outdoor theatre. Brucemore, a National Trust Historic Site in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is a museum and so much more. As a community cultural center, Brucemore's 26-acres are alive with concerts, festivals, performances, and activities. So log off and come over to the big house. You deserve to see it live.
In Business Since: | 1981 |
Business Sector: | Residential, Commercial |
Brucemore | Annual Events | A Modern Salon | Corporate memberships... | Garden Art Show | Plan Your Event | Scarecrow Invasion | Brucemore Board of Trustees | Preferred Professionals | Membership Registration Form | Explore | Purchase a personal membership... | Queen Anne style:Eclectic... | Sinclair Family | O.C. Simonds | Become a Corporate Member | Become a Member | Hours | Brucemore Store | National Trust