Whether you are an adolescent, ready to become a mother, or are nearing menopause, the providers at Annapolis OB-GYN Associates are dedicated to giving complete, compassionate, and comprehensive obstetric and gynecologic care to women in all stages of life. We offer state-of-the-art, in-office gynecological procedures to include Novasure, Essure and Thermachoice. Bone density screening, urodynamics, and laser skin rejuvenation and hair removal are additional services available to our established patients.
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Annapolis Ob-Gyn Assoc | Dexa (Bone Densitometry) | Robotic Surgery learn more | Essure - Overview | Fish Advisory for the... | Aesthetics Laser Hair Removal | NovaSure Endometrial Ablation | Benefits and considerations... | da Vinci Endometriosis... | Questions and answers... | Diagnostic Ultrasound | NovaSure Frequently Asked... | Patient Testimonials | Urodynamics | Minimally Invasive Gynecologic... | da Vinci Hysterectomy | How does the Essure procedure... | Welcome Dr. Laura Merkel | Is NovaSure right for me? | Women's Health