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Photo Album - ATC Express Trucking

Freight Forwarding Service Ronkonkoma

ATC Express Trucking
711-9 Koehler Ave, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Phone: (631) 585-7078

Email Address:

Established as a Suffolk County Long Island based trucking company in 1981, ATC Express Trucking Company is a privately owned company with two warehouses in Ronkonkoma, NY and a cross dock operation in Newark, NJ. We have a proven track record of success in transportation and logistics services. Our dedicated management team has over 100 years of combined freight consulting experience. Our philosophy has always been to fix any problems on the spot, at the point of pick up or delivery, with patience and open communication. All of our managers are hands-on and easy to contact (no voice mail). In combination with a comprehensive and current understanding of shipper and supply chain requirements, ATC Express is a great resource if you are seeking to improve your freight logistics profitability.

Cargo Forwarding Ronkonkoma Cargo Forwarding Ronkonkoma