Spearfish City (South Dakota, SD)

USA > South Dakota > Spearfish City
Population by Age in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
 Total population10,494100.00%
  Under 5 years6726.40%
  5 to 9 years5074.83%
  10 to 14 years4944.71%
  15 to 19 years8908.48%
  20 to 24 years1,51014.39%
  25 to 29 years7517.16%
  30 to 34 years6396.09%
  35 to 39 years4964.73%
  40 to 44 years4544.33%
  45 to 49 years5465.20%
  50 to 54 years5855.57%
  55 to 59 years5995.71%
  60 to 64 years4984.75%
  65 to 69 years3863.68%
  70 to 74 years3453.29%
  75 to 79 years3413.25%
  80 to 84 years3353.19%
  85 years and over4464.25%

Male Population in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
 Male population4,93847.06%
  Under 5 years3513.34%
  5 to 9 years2752.62%
  10 to 14 years2432.32%
  15 to 19 years4153.95%
  20 to 24 years7086.75%
  25 to 29 years3973.78%
  30 to 34 years3223.07%
  35 to 39 years2482.36%
  40 to 44 years2352.24%
  45 to 49 years2692.56%
  50 to 54 years2592.47%
  55 to 59 years2912.77%
  60 to 64 years2352.24%
  65 to 69 years1791.71%
  70 to 74 years1451.38%
  75 to 79 years1161.11%
  80 to 84 years1231.17%
  85 years and over1271.21%

Female Population in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
 Female population5,55652.94%
  Under 5 years3213.06%
  5 to 9 years2322.21%
  10 to 14 years2512.39%
  15 to 19 years4754.53%
  20 to 24 years8027.64%
  25 to 29 years3543.37%
  30 to 34 years3173.02%
  35 to 39 years2482.36%
  40 to 44 years2192.09%
  45 to 49 years2772.64%
  50 to 54 years3263.11%
  55 to 59 years3082.94%
  60 to 64 years2632.51%
  65 to 69 years2071.97%
  70 to 74 years2001.91%
  75 to 79 years2252.14%
  80 to 84 years2122.02%
  85 years and over3193.04%

Median Age in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data

Race in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
  Population of one race10,25397.70%
   Black or African American430.41%
   American Indian and Alaska Native2152.05%
    Asian Indian60.06%
    Other Asian220.21%
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander20.02%
    Native Hawaiian10.01%
    Guamanian or Chamorro00.00%
    Other Pacific Islander00.00%
   Some Other Race620.59%
  Population of Two or More Races2412.30%
   White; American Indian and Alaska Native1401.33%
   White; Asian370.35%
   White; Black or African American270.26%
   White; Some Other Race160.15%

The Population 16 Years in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data

The Population 18 Years in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data

The Population 21 Years in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data

The Population 62 Years in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data

The Population 65 Years in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data

Race (total races tallied) in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
White alone or in combination with one or more other races10,05093.51%
Black or African American alone or in combination with one or more other races820.76%
American Indian and Alaska Native alone or in combination with one or more other races3673.41%
Asian alone or in combination with one or more other races1581.47%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone or in combination with one or more other races110.10%
Some Other Race alone or in combination with one or more other races800.74%

Hispanic or Latino by Specific Origin in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
  Hispanic or Latino (of any race)2872.73%
   Puerto Rican170.16%
   Other Hispanic or Latino610.58%
  Not Hispanic or Latino10,20797.27%

Hispanic or Latino and Race in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
  Hispanic or Latino2872.73%
   White alone1751.67%
   Black or African American alone20.02%
   American Indian and Alaska Native alone160.15%
   Asian alone00.00%
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone00.00%
   Some Other Race alone560.53%
   Two or More Races380.36%
  Not Hispanic or Latino10,20797.27%
   White alone9,64091.86%
   Black or African American alone410.39%
   American Indian and Alaska Native alone1991.90%
   Asian alone1161.11%
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone20.02%
   Some Other Race alone60.06%
   Two or More Races2031.93%

Relationship in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
  In households9,69892.41%
    Own child under 18 years1,82617.40%
   Other relatives2051.95%
    Under 18 years580.55%
    65 years and over220.21%
    Under 18 years400.38%
    65 years and over200.19%
    Unmarried partner2982.84%
  In group quarters7967.59%
   Institutionalized population1101.05%
   Noninstitutionalized population6866.54%

Households by Type in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
  Family households (families)2,35050.60%
    With own children under 18 years1,01921.94%
   Husband-wife family1,78638.46%
    With own children under 18 years65314.06%
   Male householder, no wife present1533.29%
    With own children under 18 years911.96%
   Female householder, no husband present4118.85%
    With own children under 18 years2755.92%
  Nonfamily households2,29449.40%
   Householder living alone1,82439.28%
     65 years and over1573.38%
     65 years and over62913.54%

Households with individuals under 18 years in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data

Households with individuals under 65 years in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data

Average Household Size in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
 Average household size2 %

Average Family Size in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
 Average family size3%

Housing Occupancy(Total housing units) in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
  Occupied housing units4,64492.05%
  Vacant housing units4017.95%
   For rent1733.43%
   Rented, not occupied190.38%
   For sale only541.07%
   Sold, not occupied120.24%
   For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use961.90%
   All other vacants470.93%

Homeowner Vacancy Rate in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
 Homeowner vacancy rate (percent)2.20%

Rental Vacancy Rate in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
 Rental vacancy rate (percent)7.00%

Housing Tenure(Occupied housing units) in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
  Owner-occupied housing units2,35950.80%
  Renter-occupied housing units2,28549.20%

Population in Occupied Housing Units by Tenure(Population in occupied housing units) in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
 Owner-occupied housing units5,70658.84%
 Renter-occupied housing units3,99241.16%

Average Household Size of Occupied Housing Units by Tenure in Spearfish City
*Base on 2010 Data
 Owner occupied2 %
 Renter occupied2 %