Lafayette, LA Metro Area

USA > Lafayette, LA Metro Area
Year Structure Built in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Total housing units115,671100%
  Built 2010 or later1,1821.0%
  Built 2000 to 200920,98118.1%
  Built 1990 to 199918,07315.6%
  Built 1980 to 198921,76318.8%
  Built 1970 to 197922,91319.8%
  Built 1960 to 196912,52010.8%
  Built 1950 to 19599,0917.9%
  Built 1940 to 19493,9623.4%
  Built 1939 or earlier5,1864.5%

Value in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Owner-occupied units70,488100%
  Less than $50,00011,05415.7%
  $50,000 to $99,99912,14817.2%
  $100,000 to $149,99912,73118.1%
  $150,000 to $199,99914,52720.6%
  $200,000 to $299,99911,73516.6%
  $300,000 to $499,9995,8708.3%
  $500,000 to $999,9991,9822.8%
  $1,000,000 or more4410.6%
  Median (dollars)147,6000%
Selected Monthly Owner Costs (Smoc) in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Housing units with a mortgage41,817100%
  Less than $300750.2%
  $300 to $4991,2332.9%
  $500 to $6994,1519.9%
  $700 to $9999,24722.1%
  $1,000 to $1,49914,47434.6%
  $1,500 to $1,9997,50718.0%
  $2,000 or more5,13012.3%
  Median (dollars)1,1980%
Housing Occupancy in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Total housing units115,671100%
  Occupied housing units104,33990.2%
  Vacant housing units11,3329.8%
  Homeowner vacancy rate10%
  Rental vacancy rate60%
Units In Structure in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Total housing units115,671100%
  1-unit, detached74,77664.6%
  1-unit, attached2,2471.9%
  2 units2,0051.7%
  3 or 4 units4,9894.3%
  5 to 9 units4,7144.1%
  10 to 19 units4,5213.9%
  20 or more units5,6154.9%
  Mobile home16,61114.4%
  Boat, RV, van, etc.1930.2%
Rooms in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Total housing units115,671100%
  1 room1,1691.0%
  2 rooms1,5331.3%
  3 rooms8,6557.5%
  4 rooms23,13420.0%
  5 rooms28,44124.6%
  6 rooms21,20218.3%
  7 rooms12,96111.2%
  8 rooms9,9988.6%
  9 rooms or more8,5787.4%
  Median rooms50%
Bedrooms in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Total housing units115,671100%
  No bedroom1,3161.1%
  1 bedroom9,6558.3%
  2 bedrooms30,86526.7%
  3 bedrooms57,18949.4%
  4 bedrooms14,75912.8%
  5 or more bedrooms1,8871.6%
Housing Tenure in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Occupied housing units104,339100%
  Average household size of owner-occupied unit30%
  Average household size of renter-occupied unit20%
Year Householder Moved Into Unit in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Occupied housing units104,339100%
  Moved in 2010 or later11,89811.4%
  Moved in 2000 to 200953,89651.7%
  Moved in 1990 to 199918,13317.4%
  Moved in 1980 to 19898,4608.1%
  Moved in 1970 to 19796,7046.4%
  Moved in 1969 or earlier5,2485.0%
Vehicles Available in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Occupied housing units104,339100%
  No vehicles available7,5037.2%
  1 vehicle available38,02336.4%
  2 vehicles available43,39441.6%
  3 or more vehicles available15,41914.8%
House Heating Fuel in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Occupied housing units104,339100%
  Utility gas28,56627.4%
  Bottled, tank, or LP gas1,0331.0%
  Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.590.1%
  Coal or coke00.0%
  Solar energy230.0%
  Other fuel460.0%
  No fuel used2520.2%
Selected Characteristics in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Occupied housing units104,339100%
  Lacking complete plumbing facilities3770.4%
  Lacking complete kitchen facilities8290.8%
  No telephone service available2,5022.4%
Occupants Per Room in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Occupied housing units104,339100%
  1.00 or less102,29998.0%
  1.01 to 1.501,5111.4%
  1.51 or more5290.5%
Mortgage Status in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
  Owner-occupied units70,488100%
  Housing units with a mortgage41,81759.3%
  Housing units without a mortgage28,67140.7%
Selected Monthly Owner Costs (Smoc) - Housing units without a mortgage in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Housing units without a mortgage28,671100%
  Less than $1005591.9%
  $100 to $1995,40618.9%
  $200 to $2997,80927.2%
  $300 to $3996,24821.8%
  $400 or more8,64930.2%
  Median (dollars)3080%
Selected Monthly Owner Costs As A Percentage of Household Income (Smocapi) - Housing units with a mortgage in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Housing units with a mortgage (excluding units where SMOCAPI cannot be computed)41,647100%
  Less than 20.0 percent21,30351.2%
  20.0 to 24.9 percent5,54713.3%
  25.0 to 29.9 percent3,5878.6%
  30.0 to 34.9 percent2,5266.1%
  35.0 percent or more8,68420.9%
  Not computed1700%
Selected Monthly Owner Costs As A Percentage Of Household Income (Smocapi) - Housing unit without a mortgage in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Housing unit without a mortgage (excluding units where SMOCAPI cannot be computed)28,264100%
  Less than 10.0 percent14,97753.0%
  10.0 to 14.9 percent4,91017.4%
  15.0 to 19.9 percent2,3678.4%
  20.0 to 24.9 percent1,8376.5%
  25.0 to 29.9 percent1,1023.9%
  30.0 to 34.9 percent8503.0%
  35.0 percent or more2,2217.9%
  Not computed4070%
Gross Rent in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Occupied units paying rent30,218100%
  Less than $2008222.7%
  $200 to $2999743.2%
  $300 to $4993,94913.1%
  $500 to $74910,45934.6%
  $750 to $9997,79525.8%
  $1,000 to $1,4994,86416.1%
  $1,500 or more1,3554.5%
  Median (dollars)7300%
  No rent paid3,6330%
Gross Rent As A Percentage Of Household Income (grapi) in Lafayette
*Base on 2012 Data
Occupied units paying rent (excluding units where GRAPI cannot be computed)29,393100%
  Less than 15.0 percent5,18017.6%
  15.0 to 19.9 percent4,27614.5%
  20.0 to 24.9 percent3,38511.5%
  25.0 to 29.9 percent2,5098.5%
  30.0 to 34.9 percent2,2177.5%
  35.0 percent or more11,82640.2%
  Not computed4,4580%