Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton, NC Metro Area

USA > Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
Population by Age in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
 Total population365,497100.00%
  Under 5 years21,5925.91%
  5 to 9 years23,0056.29%
  10 to 14 years24,2776.64%
  15 to 19 years25,2326.90%
  20 to 24 years19,9575.46%
  25 to 29 years19,7565.41%
  30 to 34 years21,1905.80%
  35 to 39 years24,9876.84%
  40 to 44 years26,6877.30%
  45 to 49 years28,5047.80%
  50 to 54 years27,1777.44%
  55 to 59 years24,6386.74%
  60 to 64 years23,6066.46%
  65 to 69 years18,1644.97%
  70 to 74 years13,4023.67%
  75 to 79 years10,1822.79%
  80 to 84 years7,0401.93%
  85 years and over6,1011.67%

Male Population in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
 Male population180,74349.45%
  Under 5 years11,0863.03%
  5 to 9 years11,6513.19%
  10 to 14 years12,5313.43%
  15 to 19 years13,5093.70%
  20 to 24 years10,2572.81%
  25 to 29 years10,0512.75%
  30 to 34 years10,7102.93%
  35 to 39 years12,5823.44%
  40 to 44 years13,5983.72%
  45 to 49 years14,4793.96%
  50 to 54 years13,3533.65%
  55 to 59 years11,9863.28%
  60 to 64 years11,4073.12%
  65 to 69 years8,6132.36%
  70 to 74 years6,1791.69%
  75 to 79 years4,2611.17%
  80 to 84 years2,6950.74%
  85 years and over1,7950.49%

Female Population in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
 Female population184,75450.55%
  Under 5 years10,5062.87%
  5 to 9 years11,3543.11%
  10 to 14 years11,7463.21%
  15 to 19 years11,7233.21%
  20 to 24 years9,7002.65%
  25 to 29 years9,7052.66%
  30 to 34 years10,4802.87%
  35 to 39 years12,4053.39%
  40 to 44 years13,0893.58%
  45 to 49 years14,0253.84%
  50 to 54 years13,8243.78%
  55 to 59 years12,6523.46%
  60 to 64 years12,1993.34%
  65 to 69 years9,5512.61%
  70 to 74 years7,2231.98%
  75 to 79 years5,9211.62%
  80 to 84 years4,3451.19%
  85 years and over4,3061.18%

Median Age in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data

Race in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
  Population of one race359,24298.29%
   Black or African American25,1826.89%
   American Indian and Alaska Native1,1690.32%
    Asian Indian6280.17%
    Other Asian7,1141.95%
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander3950.11%
    Native Hawaiian340.01%
    Guamanian or Chamorro3170.09%
    Other Pacific Islander390.01%
   Some Other Race12,0553.30%
  Population of Two or More Races6,2551.71%
   White; American Indian and Alaska Native1,2400.34%
   White; Asian5670.16%
   White; Black or African American2,5600.70%
   White; Some Other Race9340.26%

The Population 16 Years in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data

The Population 18 Years in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data

The Population 21 Years in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data

The Population 62 Years in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data

The Population 65 Years in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data

Race (total races tallied) in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
White alone or in combination with one or more other races316,76985.13%
Black or African American alone or in combination with one or more other races28,3237.61%
American Indian and Alaska Native alone or in combination with one or more other races2,8130.76%
Asian alone or in combination with one or more other races10,2122.74%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone or in combination with one or more other races5680.15%
Some Other Race alone or in combination with one or more other races13,4273.61%

Hispanic or Latino by Specific Origin in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
  Hispanic or Latino (of any race)23,0636.31%
   Puerto Rican1,1350.31%
   Other Hispanic or Latino7,5632.07%
  Not Hispanic or Latino342,43493.69%

Hispanic or Latino and Race in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
  Hispanic or Latino23,0636.31%
   White alone9,0202.47%
   Black or African American alone3220.09%
   American Indian and Alaska Native alone3770.10%
   Asian alone730.02%
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone1720.05%
   Some Other Race alone11,6753.19%
   Two or More Races1,4240.39%
  Not Hispanic or Latino342,43493.69%
   White alone302,09682.65%
   Black or African American alone24,8606.80%
   American Indian and Alaska Native alone7920.22%
   Asian alone9,2522.53%
   Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone2230.06%
   Some Other Race alone3800.10%
   Two or More Races4,8311.32%

Relationship in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
  In households357,60897.84%
    Own child under 18 years72,55419.85%
   Other relatives21,9476.00%
    Under 18 years9,3152.55%
    65 years and over3,0270.83%
    Under 18 years1,8200.50%
    65 years and over7880.22%
    Unmarried partner8,9222.44%
  In group quarters7,8892.16%
   Institutionalized population5,7801.58%
   Noninstitutionalized population2,1090.58%

Households by Type in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
  Family households (families)100,05769.24%
    With own children under 18 years40,75228.20%
   Husband-wife family74,52051.57%
    With own children under 18 years27,31218.90%
   Male householder, no wife present7,8625.44%
    With own children under 18 years4,0012.77%
   Female householder, no husband present17,67512.23%
    With own children under 18 years9,4396.53%
  Nonfamily households44,44730.76%
   Householder living alone37,67926.07%
     65 years and over4,2182.92%
     65 years and over10,9927.61%

Households with individuals under 18 years in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data

Households with individuals under 65 years in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data

Average Household Size in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
 Average household size2 %

Average Family Size in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
 Average family size3%

Housing Occupancy(Total housing units) in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
  Occupied housing units144,50488.86%
  Vacant housing units18,10911.14%
   For rent5,2973.26%
   Rented, not occupied1980.12%
   For sale only2,4151.49%
   Sold, not occupied6030.37%
   For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use3,4252.11%
   All other vacants6,1713.79%

Homeowner Vacancy Rate in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
 Homeowner vacancy rate (percent)2.30%

Rental Vacancy Rate in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
 Rental vacancy rate (percent)11.50%

Housing Tenure(Occupied housing units) in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
  Owner-occupied housing units103,96671.95%
  Renter-occupied housing units40,53828.05%

Population in Occupied Housing Units by Tenure(Population in occupied housing units) in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
 Owner-occupied housing units259,92572.68%
 Renter-occupied housing units97,68327.32%

Average Household Size of Occupied Housing Units by Tenure in Hickory-lenoir-morganton, NC Metro Area
*Base on 2010 Data
 Owner occupied3 %
 Renter occupied2 %