Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos, TX Metro Area

USA > Austin-round Rock-san Marcos, TX Metro Area
Language Spoken At Home in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Population 5 years and over1,603,821100%
English only1,161,10472.4%
Language other than English442,71727.6%
   Speak English less than very well177,55411.1%
      Speak English less than very well148,1689.2%
   Other Indo-European languages40,9732.6%
      Speak English less than very well8,7970.5%
   Asian and Pacific Islander languages47,5823.0%
      Speak English less than very well18,6271.2%
   Other languages7,7840.5%
      Speak English less than very well1,9620.1%

Ancestry in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Total population1,731,777100%
  French (except Basque)49,3112.8%
  French Canadian7,8850.5%
  Subsaharan African11,1050.6%
  West Indian (excluding Hispanic origin groups)2,9230.2%
Households By Type in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Total households648,412100%
  Family households (families)407,04362.8%
     With own children under 18 years208,86732.2%
     Married-couple family305,47047.1%
        With own children under 18 years149,14623.0%
     Male householder, no wife present, family29,5464.6%
        With own children under 18 years14,3652.2%
     Female householder, no husband present, family72,02711.1%
        With own children under 18 years45,3567.0%
  Nonfamily households241,36937.2%
     Householder living alone178,88327.6%
        65 years and over34,1745.3%
  Households with one or more people under 18 years225,59534.8%
  Households with one or more people 65 years and over100,12915.4%
  Average household size30%
  Average family size30%
Relationship in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Population in households1,694,457100%
  Other relatives107,0366.3%
     Unmarried partner44,0332.6%
Marital Status in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Males 15 years and over679,368100%
  Never married260,90238.4%
  Now married, except separated339,28049.9%
  Females 15 years and over682,743100%
  Never married217,60931.9%
  Now married, except separated325,41747.7%
Fertility in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Number of women 15 to 50 years old who had a birth in the past 12 months00%
  Unmarried women (widowed, divorced, and never married)00%
     Per 1,000 unmarried women00%
  Per 1,000 women 15 to 50 years old00%
     Per 1,000 women 15 to 19 years old00%
     Per 1,000 women 20 to 34 years old00%
     Per 1,000 women 35 to 50 years old00%
Grandparents in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Number of grandparents living with own grandchildren under 18 years33,099100%
  Responsible for grandchildren12,72238.4%
        Less than 1 year2,7648.4%
        1 or 2 years4,01212.1%
        3 or 4 years2,0086.1%
        5 or more years3,93811.9%
  Number of grandparents responsible for own grandchildren under 18 years12,722100%
  Who are female7,65660.2%
  Who are married9,37773.7%
School Enrollment in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Population 3 years and over enrolled in school499,417100%
  Nursery school, preschool32,2756.5%
  Elementary school (grades 1-8)190,99738.2%
  High school (grades 9-12)87,84417.6%
  College or graduate school161,66232.4%
Educational Attainment in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Population 25 years and over1,097,660100%
  Less than 9th grade67,2706.1%
  9th to 12th grade, no diploma66,3326.0%
  High school graduate (includes equivalency)212,72619.4%
  Some college, no degree240,37521.9%
  Associate's degree71,8756.5%
  Bachelor's degree288,12426.2%
  Graduate or professional degree150,95813.8%
  Percent high school graduate or higher087.8%
  Percent bachelor's degree or higher040.0%
Veteran Status in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Civilian population 18 years and over1,293,149100%
  Civilian veterans109,3558.5%
Disability Status Of The Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Total Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population1,715,638100%
  With a disability155,5359.1%
Under 18 years435,433100%
  With a disability16,2883.7%
18 to 64 years1,142,498100%
  With a disability91,2618.0%
65 years and over137,707100%
  With a disability47,98634.8%
Residence 1 Year Ago in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Population 1 year and over1,707,092100%
  Same house1,330,02777.9%
  Different house in the U.S.363,49721.3%
     Same county208,17812.2%
     Different county155,3199.1%
        Same state106,6836.2%
        Different state48,6362.8%
Place Of Birth in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Total population1,731,777100%
     Born in United States1,453,61083.9%
        State of residence965,69655.8%
        Different state487,91428.2%
     Born in Puerto Rico, U.S. Island areas, or born abroad to American parent(s)25,3401.5%
  Foreign born252,82714.6%
U.S. Citizenship Status in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Foreign-born population252,827100%
  Naturalized U.S. citizen73,50629.1%
  Not a U.S. citizen179,32170.9%
Year of Entry in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Population born outside the United States278,167100%
    Entered 2010 or later5502.2%
    Entered before 201024,79097.8%
  Foreign born252,827100%
    Entered 2010 or later8,6183.4%
    Entered before 2010244,20996.6%
World Region Of Birth Of Foreign Born in Austin-round Rock-san Marcos
*Base on 2012 Data
Foreign-born population, excluding population born at sea252,827100%
  Latin America159,32663.0%
  Northern America4,4901.8%