Zip Code 43016 (Ohio, OH)

USA > Ohio > Zip Code 43016
Language Spoken At Home in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Population 5 years and over30,559100%
English only24,09078.8%
Language other than English6,46921.2%
   Speak English less than very well1,8416.0%
      Speak English less than very well1540.5%
   Other Indo-European languages1,6585.4%
      Speak English less than very well2941.0%
   Asian and Pacific Islander languages3,82712.5%
      Speak English less than very well1,3844.5%
   Other languages3311.1%
      Speak English less than very well90.0%

Ancestry in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Total population33,056100%
  French (except Basque)9652.9%
  French Canadian340.1%
  Subsaharan African3080.9%
  West Indian (excluding Hispanic origin groups)00.0%
Households By Type in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Total households13,251100%
  Family households (families)8,24562.2%
     With own children under 18 years4,67335.3%
     Married-couple family7,19854.3%
        With own children under 18 years4,16031.4%
     Male householder, no wife present, family3082.3%
        With own children under 18 years1130.9%
     Female householder, no husband present, family7395.6%
        With own children under 18 years4003.0%
  Nonfamily households5,00637.8%
     Householder living alone4,07530.8%
        65 years and over7365.6%
  Households with one or more people under 18 years4,83236.5%
  Households with one or more people 65 years and over1,70112.8%
  Average household size20%
  Average family size30%
Relationship in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Population in households32,983100%
  Other relatives8482.6%
     Unmarried partner7292.2%
Marital Status in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Males 15 years and over12,554100%
  Never married3,33226.5%
  Now married, except separated7,82162.3%
  Females 15 years and over13,140100%
  Never married3,64027.7%
  Now married, except separated7,55257.5%
Fertility in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Number of women 15 to 50 years old who had a birth in the past 12 months00%
  Unmarried women (widowed, divorced, and never married)00%
     Per 1,000 unmarried women00%
  Per 1,000 women 15 to 50 years old00%
     Per 1,000 women 15 to 19 years old00%
     Per 1,000 women 20 to 34 years old00%
     Per 1,000 women 35 to 50 years old00%
Grandparents in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Number of grandparents living with own grandchildren under 18 years530100%
  Responsible for grandchildren9117.2%
        Less than 1 year00.0%
        1 or 2 years468.7%
        3 or 4 years00.0%
        5 or more years458.5%
  Number of grandparents responsible for own grandchildren under 18 years91100%
  Who are female3841.8%
  Who are married7784.6%
School Enrollment in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Population 3 years and over enrolled in school8,554100%
  Nursery school, preschool87010.2%
  Elementary school (grades 1-8)3,84645.0%
  High school (grades 9-12)1,62219.0%
  College or graduate school1,90922.3%
Educational Attainment in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Population 25 years and over22,389100%
  Less than 9th grade2531.1%
  9th to 12th grade, no diploma1910.9%
  High school graduate (includes equivalency)2,90513.0%
  Some college, no degree3,41715.3%
  Associate's degree1,2045.4%
  Bachelor's degree8,93839.9%
  Graduate or professional degree5,48124.5%
  Percent high school graduate or higher098.0%
  Percent bachelor's degree or higher064.4%
Veteran Status in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Civilian population 18 years and over24,593100%
  Civilian veterans1,4866.0%
Disability Status Of The Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Total Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population32,934100%
  With a disability1,7015.2%
Under 18 years8,411100%
  With a disability2222.6%
18 to 64 years22,277100%
  With a disability7903.5%
65 years and over2,246100%
  With a disability68930.7%
Residence 1 Year Ago in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Population 1 year and over32,692100%
  Same house26,81482.0%
  Different house in the U.S.5,53316.9%
     Same county3,0929.5%
     Different county2,4417.5%
        Same state9773.0%
        Different state1,4644.5%
Place Of Birth in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Total population33,056100%
     Born in United States26,38479.8%
        State of residence17,57253.2%
        Different state8,81226.7%
     Born in Puerto Rico, U.S. Island areas, or born abroad to American parent(s)1590.5%
  Foreign born6,51319.7%
U.S. Citizenship Status in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Foreign-born population6,513100%
  Naturalized U.S. citizen1,91229.4%
  Not a U.S. citizen4,60170.6%
Year of Entry in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Population born outside the United States6,672100%
    Entered 2010 or later00.0%
    Entered before 2010159100.0%
  Foreign born6,513100%
    Entered 2010 or later4236.5%
    Entered before 20106,09093.5%
World Region Of Birth Of Foreign Born in Zip Code 43016
*Base on 2012 Data
Foreign-born population, excluding population born at sea6,513100%
  Latin America5007.7%
  Northern America2594.0%