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Imagine School IN The Valle

(702) 631-4751

Physical Address:
3521 North Durango DR
Las Vegas, NV  89129
Mailing Address:
3521 N Durango DR
Las Vegas, NV  89129

School Information

State-sponsored Charter Schools
Public Charter (Regular school)
Clark County
Grade Span:
KG - 6
Number of Students:

Student Enrollment Information in 2009-10

Ethnicity in Imagine School IN The Valle

This School County Average State Average
Black 37.65% 16.06% 11.36%
White 31.63% 35.15% 45.93%
Hispanic 19.28% 39.98% 35.10%
Asian/Pacific 10.24% 8.64% 7.07%
American Indian 1.20% 0.96% 3.69%

Genders in Imagine School IN The Valle

This School County Average State Average
Female 52.11% 49.07% 50.59%
Male 47.89% 50.93% 49.41%

Student Enrollment Information

Enrollment by Ethnicity for Imagine School IN The Valle

Year 2008 2009
Black 0 125
White 0 105
Hispanic 0 64
Asian/Pacific 0 34
American Indian 0 4
Others 0 0
Total - 332

Enrollment by Gender for Imagine School IN The Valle

Year 2008 2009
Female 173
Male 159
Total - 332

Students eligible for free or reduced lunch

Students eligible for free or reduced lunch for Imagine School IN The Valle

Year 2008 2009
Total students - 332
# Eligible for free lunch - -
# Eligible for reduced lunch - -
# Eligible for both free and reduced lunch - -

Student/Teacher Ratios

Student/Teacher Ratios for Imagine School IN The Valle

Year 2008 2009
Total students - 332
Fulltime teachers N 13.0
Student/Teacher Ratio N 25.54
County Average(Student/Teacher Ratio) 20.20 19.13