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Studio TimeOut

Since 1999, Studio TimeOut has been helping women realize how amazing they really are. Through personal growth work, nutrition coaching, exercise classes, and Pilates sessions, these teachers can help you heal, grow, and become the person you've always wanted to be. JeanneMarie Schmit founded Studio TimeOut with one goal in mind, which is to bring a valuable service to Minneapolis, MN.Even though Studio TimeOut is known for its Pilates Reformer classes, Pilates Mat classes, and nutritional education sessions, this wellness center offers many exercise classes. From Barre to Zumba, Studio TimeOut prides itself on the variety of workouts they offer.If you love to dance and can't get enough of Zumba, you may also enjoy Nia, which will address your mind, body, and spirit through music and movement. Likewise, if Barre is your thing, you may also love Iyengar Yogaas both workouts focus on breathing and building strong, long, and lean muscles with the support of props. And that's not all. Studio TimeOut offers invigorating Aerial Barre classes, Small Ball Release sessions, and more.If you live in or near Minneapolis, what are you waiting for? Now is the perfect time to transform your body, mind, and life. To learn more about Studio TimeOut, and to see a full schedule of classes, workshops, and more, visit themonline. Also, don't forget to €oelike€ them on Facebook. To speak with a team member today, call (612) 866-0832.