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Photo Album - Ceremonies De Vie

Ceremonies De Vie

"We offer all-inclusive elopement wedding packages in San Diego for every budget. Our elopement packages include everything you need to make your day perfect. Once we meet, we will choose an intimate area to conduct your ceremony. Secondly, I will perform a heartfelt ceremony. It will personal, warm and loving ceremony (unlike most courthouse elopements).
If I am (my photographer) photographing your wedding, expect to spend half hour or more of pure fun. Our service is designed to make your wedding, vow renewal in San Diego and surrounding areas easy and stress-free. We customize your event to reflect your uniqueness and work to ensure that we bring to life your vision of a perfect day. A one-of-a-kind event no matter how small!
All services offered are à la carte. Choose one of our ceremony locations, or let us know if you have a specific location in mind. Add any of our services to make your perfect
wedding celebration. Please contact us for further information on pricing and we'll put together a package that best fits your needs."

Ceremonies De Vie Ceremonies De Vie